SCI Bell Family Blue Bag

In memory of Amy Bell

Humanitarian Services to people and communities worldwide is a major objective of the SCI Foundation. In 2015 the Bell family joined with the SCI Foundation in support of their Humanitarian Services program by making a major funding commitment to what is now known as the Bell Family Blue Bag – “Pay It Forward” initiative. It is the goal of this program to make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate throughout the world.

Bell Family Blue Bags in memory of Amy Bell
Bell Family Blue Bags in memory of Amy Bell
Bell Family Blue Bags in memory of Amy Bell
Bell Family Blue Bags in memory of Amy Bell

Pay it Forward

SCI Chapters, individual SCI members, church groups as well as groups of school children or scouts fill these Blue Bags with much needed school and medical supplies, clothes and food items as well as playground items for the children. The contents of these bags may include medical, educational, and other relief supplies, or clothing and toys.  SCI members, fellow hunters and their friends, who are traveling to the hunting and safari destinations of the world, will take these Blue Bags and distribute these much needed items to children and families all over the globe. These “humanitarians”, with the support of their outfitters and friends, will deliver the contents of these bags directly to schools, clinics, churches, orphanages as well as to teachers, doctors, caregivers and mission workers to use in support of all those in need.


Through this program the Bells join with hunting families and their friends all over the world to promote a “Pay It Forward” spirit for the benefit of those less fortunate and to improve the quality of life worldwide

In memory of Amy Bell


Are you going on a safari soon?

What can I put in a blue bag?

Screen Shot 2016-05-04 at 9.44.41 AM
Food Supplies
Clothing and blankets
Medical Supplies
Educational material
Toys and sweets
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Thanks Lenny Wood, for delivering much needed food supplies to villages in Bushmanland, Namibia. All done with the help of a faithful outfitter Japsie Blaauw from Dzombo Safaris.
#bluebagprogram #payitforward Safari Club International Foundation

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Thanks Lenny Wood, for delivering much needed food supplies to villages in Bushmanland, Namibia. All done with the help of a faithful outfitter Japsie Blaauw from Dzombo Safaris.
#bluebagprogram #payitforward Safari Club International Foundation
Thank you for paying it forward. #bluebagprogram
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Thank you for paying it forward. #bluebagprogramImage attachmentImage attachment
Wonderful example of paying it forward! Thanks Larysa SwitlykDo you Blue Bag ?
What’s that you ask…. It’s how hunters #payitforward through Safari Club International Foundation program with Amy Bell Charities by bringing needed supplies and meat from our hunts to local communities in remote areas in need! This remote village in Malaysia never had a visitor so that was an incredible experience and quite the surprise to them!


#bluebags #bluebag #charity #donate #inneed #remotevillage #safariclubinternationalfoundation #scifoundation #amybell #amybellcharities #bluebagprogram #malaysia #soccer #soccerball
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Wonderful example of paying it forward! Thanks Larysa Switlyk

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